Monday, November 30, 2009

How Far Is The Phenomenon Of Homosexuality Being Accepted Or Rejected In The Society?

Homosexuality can be known as a disorder or an abnormal attraction that individuals develop towards members of the same sex. Our blog focuses on this issue and will help you enlighten on certain facts related to such individuals. Any abnormality or out of the normality context feeling or activity is often taken in an antagonistic fashion.

It is quite a difficult task for the general public to accept the fact that such stigmas exist among them. Not just merely exist but are there along with them at work, buisness, parties, everywhere. They could be anybody among your friends, colleagues, teachers, acquaintances or even your own child!! As matter of fact some parents even go as far as to rejecting their own blood when it comes to a matter of disoriented sexuality. Since the society and the culture does not openly accept such knoms and considers such people a taboo so people do not hold homosexuals in a high regard. But parents do finally end up accepting their children in whatever sexual orientation they may exist. Some societies have progressed mentally and have finally accepted the hard truth whereas most haven’t as yet. We all know that these people live among us. They could be among the top executives of a company or may be among the most successful people we know. So we have to eventually end up accepting these people as a part of our society. The rate of acceptance is generally seen to be high in the western part of the world rather than the eastern. Laws have been made for these people and special rights have also been allotted which no longer leaves the homosexual community in a dilemma. They are more open about it now in the west, not that they consider their orientation a very open and conversational topic to discuss but people in the west have openly accepted this taboo as a part of their society. The basis on which societies discriminate homosexuals is religion. Religions strongly condemn such activities which eventually build ups a negativity force in the minds of the people. But now with the changing times people have become broader minded and are finally accepting homosexuals. The general opinion has started to change and people are finally moving in from a rejected homosexual society to a much open homosexual accepted society.

1 comment:

  1. yes...true! and many countries have now legally recognized the concept of gays and lesbians as well...
